শিক্ষা নিয়ে গড়বো দেশ, শেখ হাসিনার বাংলাদেশ

Refund and Return Policy – Sonargaon Capital School & College
Application Fee

A non-refundable non-transferable application fee must be submitted at the time of application.

Security Deposit

The School requires a security deposit to confirm the placement of any child/Ren.
• One Deposit per child is required.
• The deposit is fully refundable when the student leaves the school, without any interest on demand, if all accounts have been settled in full, all school property returned without damage and required written notice submitted two months in advance of the child’s last day of school (holidays excluded).
• The deposit is not refundable if the student does not attend the school after an enrolment place has been offered or the remaining tuition is not enough to cover the two months’ notice period.
Enrolment Fee
• A one -time non- refundable enrolment fee is required for all students upon their enrolment confirmation.
Tuition Fee
• The tuition fee varies according to year level as shown in each school year’s tuition fee chart.
• Once a student joins the school, full fees are charged until the student leaves the school. There are no refunds for periods of absence from the school.
• Two month‘s notice of withdrawal in writing of the child’s last day of school (holidays excluded) must be given or two months fees will be paid in lieu of the notice. Parents must ensure that written acknowledgement is received from the school following notice of withdrawal.
Optional Bus Fee
• The optional bus service cost varies depending on the distance covered.
• If the family changes the bus route during the school year, the bus fees will be adjusted accordingly.
• Once a term commences, there are no refunds for that term whether a student is leaving school on temporary absence, or no longer requires the bus service.
• An EAL (English as Additional Language) fee will be applied to students who require additional English support.
External Examination Fees
• Fees for external examinations will be charged separately as per fee rates of the examination board.
Uniform Fees
• All students are required to wear uniform to school.
• All uniform items can be purchased through the school’s uniform shop.
• Where a family has more than two children attending school, a discount may apply to the tuition fee for the third child and for any subsequent children.
Fee Payment Schedule
• Tuition and all other fees must be paid by the due date as stated on the school’s invoice. Students will not be allowed to attend classes if fees are not paid before classes commence.
Refund Policy
• The received admission fee will be refunded if the student withdraws his admission at least 15 days before the class commencement.
• The whole security money shall be refunded in that case.
• Refunds are payable within 15 working days after the student leaves the school.
Late Payment of Fees
• Payments not received by any due date will be considered overdue and the school may charge a 10% monthly late payment penalty. If fees are not paid on time, the school has the right to refuse attendance of the student at school and /or withhold student reports/transcripts.
• The School reserves the right to amend its policies and fee structure whenever considered necessary and appropriate. The School makes these policies available to parents through the school website. It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to ensure that they are informed and aware of basic school policies.